Imagine searching for your lost pet for over two years, only to find them again in the most unexpected way. That’s exactly what happened to Rebecca Bien and her beloved dog, Emmy Lou. This touching story of reunion is a perfect example of love, hope, and the incredible bond between humans and their furry friends.

A Tearful Discovery
The emotional reunion took place at the Louisville Metro Animal Shelter in Kentucky, and the whole heartwarming moment was captured on video. Emmy Lou, a five-year-old Heeler-Collie mix, had been missing since September 2017. After a storm, she vanished, leaving Rebecca and her family devastated.

The video begins with Rebecca, a 27-year-old woman, walking through the shelter’s corridor. Guided by a staff member, she approaches Emmy Lou’s cage. As Rebecca extends her hand for Emmy to sniff, the dog’s tail starts wagging vigorously. The recognition is instant and overwhelming.

Rebecca’s tears flow as Emmy Lou pushes against the cage, eager to get out. When the staff member opens the cage door, Emmy Lou leaps into Rebecca’s arms, showering her with joyful licks. It’s a beautiful sight—Emmy Lou’s excitement is clear as she jumps up and wraps her paws around Rebecca, who responds with affectionate hugs and kisses.

A Heartfelt Journey
The search for Emmy Lou had been long and arduous. Rebecca, along with friends and family, had distributed flyers and posted ads on Craigslist, but their efforts seemed in vain. Determined, Rebecca created a Facebook page titled ‘Help Find Emmy Lou Harris (The Dog)’. This page quickly gained traction, with around 1,000 members joining the cause.

Known as ‘Emmy’s Angels,’ these dedicated volunteers helped in the search, canvassing the area both by car and on foot. The breakthrough came during Christmas when a member of the group reported a sighting of a dog that matched Emmy Lou’s description. This led Rebecca to check the local animal shelter listings, where she finally found her long-lost friend.

Inspiration and Hope
Rebecca, now living in Franklin, Kentucky, hopes her story inspires others who are searching for lost pets. She shares valuable advice for pet finders and owners alike:
“For the finders of lost animals, I urge you strongly to please take the animals to a vet or a shelter to be scanned for a chip. They will also give time for the owners to contact them in search of their baby.”
“Be strong – social media is your best friend. Reach out to other animal lovers who will sympathize and actively help you search. And do not be fooled by false ransom notes – people can be cold in the face of sorrow.”

The story of Rebecca and Emmy Lou is a powerful reminder of the unbreakable bond between pets and their owners. It shows that with perseverance, hope, and the help of a caring community, miracles can happen. The joy and love shared in that moment of reunion are truly heartwarming.

To experience this touching reunion for yourself, check out the video below. It captures the raw emotion and joy of the moment when Emmy Lou and Rebecca finally found each other again. You’ll want to have some tissues ready!