A dog’s breed affects how well it will fit inside your household. That should come as no surprise since breed determines important aspects of a dog’s physical features and personality.
Certain breeds may be bad fits for certain households because of their coats. Other dogs may not suit some families because they constantly demand attention and engagement.
Even seemingly similar breeds like Cavapoos and Cavachons are distinct enough that you cannot assume that both dogs will be great additions to your household. Use this article to learn more about Cavapoos and Cavachons, and identify which breed you should get.
What Is a Cavapoo?

Before we get to the similarities and differences between Cavapoos and Cavachons, let’s first take the time to learn more about those individual breeds. We can start with the Cavapoo.
According to the ASPCA, the Cavapoo is still a pretty new dog breed. Evidence suggests that people only started breeding Cavapoos back in the 90s. Australia also seems to be the place where they first became popular. They rose to popularity during a time when hybrid breeds were all the rage.
Cavapoos followed in the footsteps of other popular mixed breeds such as Labradoodles. This particular breed is the offspring of a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and a Poodle.
As with many other mixed breeds, people started mating Cavalier King Charles Spaniels and Poodles with the goal of breeding a dog that featured their best traits. It’s a goal that has more or less been met, thus explaining the remarkable rise in popularity of this specific breed.
Next: Cavapoos vs. Havapoos (in-depth comparison)
What Is a Cavachon?

The first point of similarity between the Cavapoo and the Cavachon is related to the time when they became popular. Both breeds became a thing in the 90s. However, the Cavachon supposedly came around a bit later. The ASPCA notes that this hybrid breed first showed up in 1996.
Cavachons are the offspring of Cavalier King Charles Spaniels and Bichon Frises. Interestingly, some breeders have adopted the practice of mating Cavachons either with a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel or a Bichon Frise. The Cavachons are bred that way if there is a desire to produce pups with traits that strongly reflect one of the two dogs.
Next: Cavapoo vs. Maltipoo (in-depth comparison)
The Similarities between Cavapoos and Cavachons

Now that we know more about the history of both Cavapoos and Cavachons, we can start getting deeper into their physical attributes and personality traits. You’ll quickly notice that there are some pretty remarkable similarities between Cavapoos and Cavachons. That sentiment rings especially true when you evaluate the personality traits of those aforementioned breeds.
Let’s use this section of the article to detail the similarities between the two hybrid breeds.
Compatibility with New Pet Owners
New pet owners are often intimidated by the prospect of caring for an animal. It’s hard to blame them. Caring for a dog may not seem like a big deal to many members of the population, but new pet owners can quickly imagine hundreds of ways that things can go wrong.
If you are planning to take care of a pet for the first time, it’s not a bad idea to be more selective. With all that said, both Cavapoos and Cavachons would be terrific dogs for first-time pet owners.
You don’t have to be an expert on canine care to keep your Cavapoo or Cavachon happy. They are not low-maintenance pets per se, but they are definitely not as demanding as other dog breeds. Even if you make some mistakes while raising your Cavapoo and Cavachon, you can still end up with a well-mannered dog.
Next: Cavapoo vs. Cavoodle (is there even a difference?)
Friendly Demeanor

A big part of the reason why Cavapoos and Cavachons are great choices for first-time pet owners is their demeanor. These dogs are naturally friendly.
As long as you don’t display signs of being afraid around people who your Cavapoo or Cavachon may not recognize, they will remain friendly. Both dogs are known to enjoy interactions with friendly strangers and they may even be open to receiving some head scratches and belly rubs right off the bat.
Inviting guests over will not be a problem even if you have Cavapoos or Cavachons around. Your dogs may even wait at the door beside you as they eagerly anticipate the arrival of their new friends.
Cavapoos and Cavachons are not just friendly around people. You can also bring them to the local park without worrying that they will have trouble being around their fellow dogs. Both Cavapoos and Cavachons adjust just as well to other dogs as they do to people so the interactions they have should all be pleasant.
You can still raise a Cavapoo or a Cavachon even if you already have a cat or a different kind of common household pet. Those dogs will get along easily even with other animals.
Easily Trained
Let’s continue listing reasons why Cavapoos and Cavachons are great dogs for first-time pet owners. This time around, we want to highlight how trainable these dogs are.
Cavapoos and Cavachons are easily trainable because they are highly intelligent. Once you’ve issued a command a few times, your new pet should be able to pick up on it. After acknowledging that they got it right the first time, your dog should have no trouble repeating it moving forward.
Trainability is not solely about a dog’s intelligence. Their level of obedience also affects how easy they are to train.
Some dogs may laze around even if you repeat your command dozens of times. They may hear what you’re saying but still fail to respond simply because that’s their natural tendency. You’ll be glad to know that obedience is not an issue with Cavapoos and Cavachons.
These dogs will not only remember your commands. They will also execute them consistently. Calling them show dogs may be a bit much, but you can wow your friends and family members with the help of your chosen pet.
Adaptable Pets

One more point we want to hit on that could be very important for first-time pet owners is the adaptability of Cavapoos and Cavachons.
The reason why you’ve been hesitant to care for a pet all this time could be due to your home situation. Not everyone is given the opportunity to live in one place for an extended period of time. Whether it’s due to your job or other factors, you may have to move around pretty often.
You may figure that a pet will have a hard time living with you given how much you move from one place to another. While that could be true of certain dog breeds, it shouldn’t be a major concern if you have a Cavapoo or a Cavachon.
The two breeds we’re highlighting in this article are very adaptable. They can adjust easily to any home environment you give them.
Cavapoos and Cavachons will enjoy living inside a large home. At the same time, they won’t mind staying in a small apartment. The size of your home will not affect their comfort level significantly because both of those breeds are on the smaller side anyway.
The climate in your new home will also not affect your Cavapoo or Cavachon too much. Both breeds can handle warm and cool climates reasonably well. As long as you don’t leave your dog to deal with extreme weather, they should turn out fine.
Affectionate Pets
Pet owners have different preferences when it comes to enjoying bedtime with their furry friends. Some pet owners would rather have dogs that enjoy staying in their own beds. That may be because they do not want to share their beds with their pets.
Other pet owners don’t mind welcoming their dogs into their beds. If anything, they even want dogs who like sleeping next to them.
If you are the type of pet owner who falls into the latter group, you will be happy with both Cavapoos and Cavachons. These dogs are incredibly affectionate. They enjoy cuddling and they will not mind warming up in your embrace.
Cavapoos and Cavachons will crowd you in bed if you let them. Make sure you are ready for that bedtime experience!
Quiet Dogs
If you’ve ever lived next to a neighbor with a noisy dog, you know just how unpleasant that situation could be. Even if you consider yourself a dog lover, it’s tough to deal with dogs that will bark at the drop of a hat.
So, should you be concerned about barking if you are planning to care for either a Cavapoo or a Cavachon? You’ll be glad to know that incessant barking is typically not an issue with both breeds.
Cavapoos and Cavachons tend to be quiet dogs. They will only start to make a noise if they sense an imminent threat.
It’s nice to have a dog that doesn’t cause a ruckus with their barking. Your neighbors will also be thankful for that.
Nutritional Needs

Cavapoos and Cavachons are similar when it comes to their nutritional needs. Their diet should consist of grain-free kibble. It’s important to purchase grain-free kibble because of how Cavapoos and Cavachons react to food.
These two dog breeds are known for putting on weight easily. If you fail to stay on top of their diet, their weight could balloon rather quickly.
You should only give your Cavapoo or Cavachon only one cup of kibble per day. Serve a half cup of kibble in the morning and the rest at night so your pet doesn’t have to go hungry for an extended stretch.
Owners of Cavapoos and Cavachons are also urged to keep treats to a minimum. Spoiling your pet with treats could lead to them packing on the pounds.
Coat Colors
Cavapoos and Cavachons also share some similar physical traits. The similarities are most noticeable when you focus on coat colors.
Common coat colors for the two breeds include black, brown, cream, and white. Their coats also tend to look similar due to the ways the colors are presented. Both dog breeds may have coats made up of only a single color and they may also feature multi-colored coats.
Susceptibility to Separation Anxiety

Thus far, we’ve focused mainly on the similarities between Cavapoos and Cavachons that can be framed as being positive traits. Of course, there are also less than desirable traits that both of these dog breeds share.
One negative trait we want to highlight here is the susceptibility of Cavapoos and Cavachons to separation anxiety.
These dogs enjoy being around people. They also need to be around people because they get anxious when they aren’t.
According to the Humane Society, some dogs will chew on furniture, scratch up doors, and urinate all over the place when they are feeling anxious. They may also start to feel a bit unwell because of that issue.
Diligent training will help your Cavapoo or Cavachon get used to being left alone. You can also go on long walks with them early in the day so they will sleep for most of the hours that you are away. If that doesn’t work, you can also pick up some medication that will ease your pet’s anxiety. Just make sure that your veterinarian approves of that medication before you give it to your dog.
Next: Cavapoo vs. Labradoodle
The Differences between Cavapoos and Cavachons
We are now done discussing the similarities between Cavapoos and Cavachons. For this next section of the article, we will highlight the ways that those two breeds differ from each other.
Despite how similar they look, you may be surprised to learn that Cavapoos and Cavachons differ quite a bit from one another physically. Look at the Cavapoo vs Cavachon comparison closely to identify physical dissimilarities as well as differences in their personalities. After doing so, you should be able to select the right breed for you.
Average Size
Both Cavapoos and Cavachons are regarded as small dogs, but it’s not fair to say that they are completely similar in terms of size.
Starting with the Cavapoo, an adult dog from this breed can grow to as big as 14 inches. Those on the shorter end may only reach 9 inches in height even though they are fully grown. That discrepancy in the height range is notable because you won’t see it in Cavachons.
Upon reaching adulthood, most Cavachons will grow up to about 12 to 13 inches in height. If you are adopting multiple Cavachons from a single litter, the odds of them ending up around the same height are high.
Average weights for Cavapoos and Cavachons also tend to vary.
An adult Cavapoo may weigh somewhere in the range of 10 to 25 pounds. Cavachons are considerably heavier. Smaller Cavachons can still tip the scales at 15 pounds. If your pet is on the larger side, you may see them weigh in at close to 35 pounds.
The two breeds should still be able to live comfortably inside a small household. Still, if you want a dog you can carry around anywhere, you may be better served to get a Cavapoo.
Coat Length and Curliness
Earlier, we mentioned that the coat colors and patterns of Cavapoos and Cavachons are very similar. Interestingly, there are also dissimilarities noticeable in their coats if you take a closer look.
The first dissimilarity is related to coat length. Cavapoos typically have short coats. The short coat is a defining aspect of their overall appearance.
In contrast, Cavachons have coats that are best described as either medium-length or long. Their coat can become unruly if you fail to take good care of it.
Curliness also varies between the two breeds. Despite having shorter hair, Cavapoos have more pronounced curls. Some Cavachons also have curls, but it would be more accurate to describe their coats as wavy.
Hypoallergenic Coat
We also want to touch on how likely the coats of Cavapoos and Cavachons will trigger allergies. This is a very important consideration in certain households so we want to highlight it here.
The Cavapoo’s coat is not considered hypoallergenic. There is a distinct chance that the loose hairs from their coat will trigger allergic reactions.
Cavachons have hypoallergenic coats. You should choose them over Cavapoos if you want to minimize the chances of allergic reactions occurring as much as possible.
However, we do want to point out here that both Cavapoos and Cavachons don’t shed a lot. If that is your main concern, then you will be good with either breed.
Grooming Needs
Cavapoos and Cavachons have gorgeous coats, but they will only stay that way if you are able to keep up with their grooming needs. In this case, one breed is more demanding than the other.
The Cavapoo is the more demanding breed when it comes to grooming. You will have to brush their coat every day or else their curls could end up tangled.
Because the Cavachon’s is not quite as curly, you won’t have to brush it as much. Brushing two to three times per week should suffice if you have a Cavachon.
Cavachons may make more sense for your schedule due to their less demanding grooming needs.
Expected Lifespans
The expected lifespan is always an important point to consider when looking for a new pet. It’s an especially important factor to consider if you have kids at home and you want them to grow up with a pet.
With that in mind, which dog breed is more likely to live longer? Is it the Cavapoo or the Cavachon?
If you are only focused on the high-end of their expected lifespans, you’ll find that both Cavapoos and Cavachons can stay healthy for around 15 years. That’s longer than the average lifespan for a dog.
The difference in expected lifespans is noticeable on the low-end. Some Cavachons may start to experience health problems by the time they turn 10 years old. Even on the short-end, Cavapoos are expected to live for 12 years.
Hopefully, your chosen pet will hang around for a long time regardless of which breed you ultimately decide to get.
Energy Levels

The type of dog you’re getting should suit your lifestyle.
If you consider yourself to be a more active person, you should get a Cavachon. Cavachons love going out. They will join you for just about any activity.
Even though their energy levels are not especially high, Cavachons can still handle regular exercise routines fairly well. Owners are even encouraged to take their Cavachons out on long walks so they don’t have too excess energy during the day.
Compared to Cavachons, Cavapoos are significantly less energetic. You still have to take them on walks so they can stay in good shape, but they don’t like staying out too long.
The generally more laid back demeanor of a Cavapoo is also evident come playtime. They may engage in playtime for a few minutes, but don’t be surprised if they grow tired soon after starting. Many Cavapoos would prefer to just lie down in your lap instead of playing.
You should definitely account for energy levels before you choose between a Cavapoo and a Cavachon. Pick the breed that will be more compatible with your preferred lifestyle so your pet will be happier as well.
If you are looking for a specific type of dog like a Cavapoo or a Cavachon, you may not find it at an adoption shelter nearby. Instead, you may only find your preferred dog by purchasing it from a breeder.
What can you expect in terms of prices if you are looking to buy either a Cavapoo or a Cavachon?
Breeders typically post high asking prices for Cavapoos. The average price for a Cavapoo puppy often falls somewhere in the range of $1,000 to $2,000.
You don’t have to spend as much if you want a Cavachon. Many breeders will sell Cavachon pups for $400 to $900.
There is a clearly preferable option if you are a pet owner who wants to keep their spending in check.
Many people tend to confuse Cavapoos and Cavachons with one another. While they are similar in many respects, there are still significant differences between them. Evaluate those similarities and differences in the Cavapoo vs Cavachon comparison carefully so you can end up with the ideal pet dog.
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